Recent years have seen increasing attention related to cultural heritage, and underwater archaeological heritage in particular. Conservation and protection of archaeological heritage have thus become the subject of international agreements, reflecting the need to defend the image of the culture of nations and peoples.

Primary importance is attributed to conservation in situ of archaeological evidence, allowing for the potential use of such resources for tourism. Since the “Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage 2001” (adopted in Paris on November 2, 2001 by Unesco member states for the purpose of empowering the parties to better protect their submerged heritage), the protection of submerged archaeological assets has been ensured in conformity with the same general principles applying to the underground archaeological heritage.

On 8 April 2010 the convention (inclusive of the attachment) came into force in Italy with law 23 October 2009, n. 157, ratifying and implementing the Convention on the protection of the underwater cultural heritage.

Poliservizi provides support services aimed at research, prospecting, characterization and recovery of wrecks, sites and underwater archaeological finds. Through synergy with public agencies, our company has developed electronic systems to museumise underwater archaeological sites working on the principle of conserving and creating access to the archaeological areas.

Archaeological surveys are carried out with a wide range of technologies: side-scan sonar, bottom profiler, ROV (remote operating vehicle) and multibeam, to name a few.